
Energy Savings for Buildings

ECOFOX® construction rock wool and glass wool products are designed for the construction industry and can bring superior energy-saving, safety-enhancing, and comfort-enhancing experiences to buildings. They can effectively reduce energy consumption and significantly reduce noise pollution. If a fire breaks out, ECOFOX® rock wool can delay the spread of the fire, buy valuable time for people to escape, and minimize losses and casualties.


ECOFOX® glass wool and rock wool products are widely used in various construction projects such as new construction, reconstruction, expansion and renovation, including roofs, exterior walls, indoor partitions, ceilings, ventilation ducts, smoke exhaust ducts and floating roofs of public and civil buildings and industrial plants. Building floor slabs, etc., provide your building with a greener, quieter and safer experience, which can effectively improve the user's living and working environment.

Building Insulation

Efficiency Enhancement for Industry

ECOFOX® industrial rock wool products are specially designed for industry and can fit tightly to various regular or irregular industrial equipment and pipelines, effectively reducing heat loss and production costs.


ECOFOX® rock wool products are widely used in various storage tanks, boilers, equipment, and pipelines in industrial fields such as nuclear power plants, the oil industry, natural gas, power plants, chemical plants, refineries, pulp mills, steel mills, and so on.
